Associations Locales

S(w)inging Ladies of Strassen

image de Swinging ladies


Ecole Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Dirigante Caroline Medernach 
Pianiste Jeff Schmidt
Email :

Ecole Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Do you enjoy singing and would you like to sing in a fun and enriching environment?
Then join the S(w)inging ladies of Strassen.

The range of music covers swing standards from the golden 1930’s up until today, as well as arranged genres like pop, rock, folk, jazz and world music.
If you can carry a tune, you can sing with us! No choir experience needed.
Rehearsals are on wednesdays (no rehearsals during school holidays )
Registration by mail: